Wild Horses and Burros in North America are in Danger of Extinction

Every American owns the Wild Horses as a birthright.  They need protection from our government.  This site unmasks the misinformation often repeated on the subject. 

AT RIGHT YOU CAN MESSAGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES                                        24Apr24

FORAGE SHOULD COME FROM PUBLIC LANDS:  This request reveals to Congress that the cost of providing nutrition for Wild Horses and Burros in Off-Range-Holding is soaring annually.  The lifetime projected cost is $3-4 Billion.  The nutrition needs of animals already removed from public lands is protected under the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act (Public Law 92-195).  The message to Congress, using Congressionally Directed Spending ammendments to the 2025 Department of Interior Budget – mandate the forage required to be sourced on BLM managed public lands. 

They are supposed to be MADE SAFE by public law (95-195) but the Federal Agency tasked with implementing management is accommodating external pressure (lobbies) and collaborating with external agendas (ranching and resource gathering).  The Bureau of Land Management is not executing it's lawful mandate.      

Congress is open for language to correct the BLM 2025 Budget Request (15Apr25) 

Native equines created much prosperity in North America until they were replaced by the internal combustion engine.  

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