Advocates are  victims of triple deception.  

Wild Horse Advocate Community is paying for BOTH the PROSECUTION lawyers in and DEFENSE (government) legal fees --- ALL coming out of the WHAC pockets.


Advocate Daily Action on 2025 Budget Constraints

Constraints By Subject

These messages reach your.

What can Wild Horse Advocates do to truly change outcomes for Wild Horses?

Taxpayers have  ALREADY paid to manage Wild Horses and Burros.  Why should they have to pay a SECOND or THIRD time to litigate to force the government to do it without destroying the animals?

Congress has no idea they are being lied to.  The Wild Horse Advocate Community (WHAC) has to be the one to raise the RED FLAG

Spring 2025 will likely produce a FARM BILL.  These are opportunities at Intercepting the allocation to the Department of Interior.  

The BLM funding request is based on manipulated date, fraud and pre-determined management outcomes lined up and paid for by the Public Lands Lobby.

A guide to messaging Congress is here: 

2025 Dept of Interior House Markup 9July24

Write, call and e-mail Congressional Representatives.  Ask them to direct REDUCTIONS to the budget allocation for the BLM, Wild Horse and Burro Program in order to curtail waste.  Tell them the agency budget request cites improperly prepared justifications which are just simply false.   Federally Directed Spending 

The overwhelming advantage the BLM has over the Wild Horse Advocate Community (The WHAC) put into  perspective:  The BLM looks at the public whining as an annoyance.  For the BLM it's a game where they have an incalculable position of power.  What will change the power balance based on activism?  Can you define the source of the power?


Instead of calling the BLM - call your Federal House representative in Congress. The power to change outcomes for Wild Horses is with Congress. When The WHAC finds willing sponsors to write 'Programmatic Requests' there is hope for a change to the BLM Budget. 

Contact the source of the power rather than the executioner.

Exposing Misinformation