Controlling the BLM 2025 Budget
Your Congressional representative can change how the Bureau of Land Management, Wild Horse and Burro Program operates. Your representative is the only means of obtaining improved outcomes for Wild Horses and Burros.
Wild Horse Advocates must STAND UP and tell congress the budget cannot be approved based on missing and manipulated information that suits the agenda of the Big Agriculture and Resource Gathering industries who drive the BLM management practices through political donations to elected officials.
Drop a copy of this request template at your representative's local office (below). Call and follow up in a few days and request a written response. Engage the local staff to send your request to the national staff involved in Public Lands management.
There is a small window of time for this action. The Appropriations Committee accepts these 'Programmatic Requests' during the time between the submission by the administration of the President's Budget (1) and the review process in subcommittee which performs review and 'MARKUP' resulting in the legislation which goes to a vote. The (2) House Approves H.R. 4821 with the 2024 BLM Allocation.
(3) Congressional Representatives Contact
(4) Status Reports from Congressional Reporting Service
4March24 UPDATE
The 02024 Appropriation for the BLM (5) was released on 3March24. Look closely through the justification (6). The data necessary to perform Congressional oversight is missing. Withheld by intent.
Reference Documents
President's Budget 2025
TBD - Portal Opens for Submittals
TBD - Submittal Deadline
Your voice is needed to require the BLM to execute management steps they skipped that are lawfully required to address issues including
Forming concise management plans and address issues like
Habitat protection
Genetic diversity
Preservation of herds